The CareerFlow portal provides a complete platform for teachers and presenters.
Dates, times, presenter details, and workshop plans, all accessed from one place to make planning easy.
Historic activity feedback is all available in one place for partners to easily track and monitor engagements.
Personality, strengths, attributes, careers
The CareerFlow portal helps students during the learning journey.
Build your personality profile, investigate career paths
16 roles in Cyber Security Council framework
Government Digital and Data Professional Capability Framework
The CareerFlow portal is used as a key component of CareerFlow employability skills sessions to support our partner colleges in careers advice and guidance for students.
Build your personality profile, create a portfolio, and prepare CVs.
For those applying for entry level cyber security of IT jobs or apprenticeships in your second year of Cyber College Cymru, the CareerFlow portal helps you to prepare your CV based on specific roles that you apply for, based on your personality profile, and the technical skills you have developed.
The CareerFlow portal is used as a key component of CareerFlow employability skills sessions to support our partner colleges in careers advice and guidance for students.