LED BY Industry
Borne from the passion of industry leaders to impact the lives of the socially disadvantaged in the valleys, and to address the spiralling costs of talent with 80% of cyber security professionals ‘imported’ from outside Wales, Cyber College Cymru delivers a compelling proposition for inward investment and economic activity in the region

Cyber security is a profession, and often entered via other roles which provide relevant working experience and industry knowledge.
Students at Cyber College Cymru all graduate with a BTEC in either IT or Computing, and those that wish to start entry level roles are a great fit for junior roles. Equipped with knowledge and basic cyber security skills, our students contribute to ‘cyber hygiene’.
Training the next generation is an incredibly rewarding experience.
Industry professionals are making a real difference to the lives of young people.
The presenter was thorough when explaining the topics, and the labs we did were engaging and informative, the presenter was active and relating the topics he was teaching us with real world experience.

Having people from industry helps me to understand why the labs are important, so I feel more motivated.
"I enjoy seeing the penny drop, when you're an hour into a session, it's a very technical subject and the learner has been struggling ti grasp the concept, but through perserverence and persistance with the labs and the delivery partner's support, there's an 'a-ha' moment where the fear of falling behind turns into enjoyment of the subject."

Our partners are helping to develop students’ strengths and attributes with clear guidance and support during workshops and activities

“The value of home-grown talent that can integrate to a growing team is invaluable in building capabilities. Our team really enjoy the opportunity to pay it forward and make a difference to the lives of young people.”
Curated curriculum and planning for partners
Partner presenters deliver a curriculum rich in content using the Cyberbit platform.
Workshop plans are provided and accessed on the CareerFlow platform
“Having the expectations of what was to be delivered in the session and the hints to help make the session work well. I wouldn’t change anything”.
Training and ongoing support is provided for partner presenters to deliver engaging workshops with students.
Feedback is collated to build good practice and provided to aid continuous delivery improvement for partner presenters.

“I've found the ‘teacher training’ session we had with Mike absolutely invaluable and that's greatly helped how I deliver workshops and feel delivering them. The lessons plans are fantastic for the quick once over beforehand to ensure that the presentations we're writing are relevant and focused at the course. That support has been absolutely key”.
These sessions require a bit of upfront prep, especially if you've not done one before. But thankfully, this is my second time (so I was aware of what was needed). I found the meetings prior to the sessions always helpful, and emails that follow. The additional guidance/ conversations on how to shape the presentations/ interactive games are always helpful.